South Adriatic Connectivity Governance
Project Summary
The main goal of the project SAGOV is to promote connectivity networks in the South Adriatic area, with a focus on the maritime transport infrastructure. The project will provide an exchange of best practices, will single out respective challenges and will come up with concrete examples of integrated governance on the policy-making of strategic connectivity projects in this region. The final aim is to provide innovative tools and procedures that may be used by all stakeholders to improve the planning, implementation and monitoring of CBC connectivity projects. During the project lifetime, one maritime transport project will be prepared for access to finance.
Total budget | 655.950,25 EUR |
EU Contribution | IPA co-financing 85% |
Duration | 2018 / 2020 |
Main Outputs
- Transport Connectivity e-platform with Semaphore System
- Trilateral Memorandum of Understanding/Agreement for maritime coordination in the South-Adriatic
- Preparatory activity for a pilot maritime transport initiative (i.e Vessel Traffic Monitoring Information System)rea
Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Project Partners
- Ministria e Transportit dhe Infrastrukturës (AL)
- Regione Puglia – Sezione Relazioni Internazionali (IT)
- Evropski pokret u Crnoj Gori (ME)
- Ministarstvo saobraćaja i pomorstva (ME)
Associated Partners
- Ministria e Financave dhe Ekonomisë (AL)
- Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti - Comando Generale del Corpo e delle Capitanerie di porto
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery